Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Is Winter A Good Time To List?

The holiday season is actually a great time to sell a house, for a number of reasons.

Selling your Louisiana Home? Click here for a free home value report
Buying a Louisiana Home? Click here to search homes for sale

Lately, many of our sellers have said they want to wait until after the holidays to list their houses because it's too much trouble. Selling a house during the holidays can actually be very beneficial to you.
The number one reason to list your house now rather than waiting for the new year is the decreased competition. You have a better chance to sell your home when there are fewer homes on the market to compete against. Secondly, buyers who are out at this time of year are very serious buyers. Think about it—only highly serious buyers are out looking at houses when they have holiday concerns of their own to take care of. Many of these buyers need to get moved in in a hurry.
These buyers are motivated and willing to pay top dollar to get moved in by the end of the year.

These buyers are motivated and willing to pay top dollar.

The third big reason to list during the holiday season is that it's Christmas—everyone is jolly and happy! Buyers are excited to get into a home for the holidays, and you can tap into that emotion by baking delicious-smelling cookies and putting up a beautiful Christmas tree. Making your home inviting gives buyers all the more reason to write an offer.
Finally, remember that the Fed just met and it's anticipated that interest rates may rise at least 0.25% by the end of the year. Why not get buyers now who can lock in a low rate and buy more of a home? If you wait until January and rates go up, buying power will decrease and shrink the pool of potential buyers for your home.

I hope that's all the motivation you need to get your house on the market. If you're ready to sell or you have any other questions for me, give me a call or send me an email today. I look forward to hearing from you!

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Home Inspections You Shouldn't Skip

We've been getting questions lately about home inspections that we wanted to answer for you today. Which ones should you get and which ones shouldn't you bother with?

Selling your Louisiana Home? Click here for a free home value report

Buying a Louisiana Home? Click here to search homes for sale

Of all the available inspections, you need to figure out which ones are important to your transaction because every home is different. For example, a new construction home probably wouldn't get the same inspections that a 40-year-old home gets, but there are some general rules to follow.

The number one home inspection we always recommend is the general home inspection. This is where an inspector will look at everything in the house, like whether the windows are working properly, whether the roof looks like it needs to be replaced, and the condition of the hot water heater. They check every piece of the property, down to the foundation itself.

The second major inspection we recommend is a termite inspection; these are usually needed for most loans out there, anyway. Most loans with a mortgage will require a WDIR (wood destroying insect report) to make sure it's free and clear of termites.

Since we're in South Louisiana, we always recommend a video plumbing inspection to our buyers. We recommend this because much of the older plumbing here is made of terracotta, and tree roots can crack it or even grow through it. The video plumbing inspection will tell you if there's corrosion or tree damage in the piping. The soil here is very soft, so settling can be an issue with these pipes, too.

Termite inspections are usually required to get a mortgage.

The fourth inspection we recommend is actually one from professional vendors. This could include people like an air conditioner serviceman, a plumber, or an electrician. If the general inspection you get reveals an issue like something that's not up to code or the roof looks too old, we recommend you bring out a licensed professional in the appropriate field to check on them. We also recommend you get any inspections for items specific to the property, like a pool or a well.

These are the most common inspections for homes in our area, but each home is different. If you have any questions about home inspections or you're looking to buy or sell a home, give me a call or send me an email. I'd be happy to help!